If I can add on to #4: If you think you want a record, just buy it. If you need to wait (or go get money), ask them to hold it for you for a little bit. Please don't put it somewhere random in hopes that a fellow fan won't find it!

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Haha this is soooo accurate that it's scary. Well spotted! Now THAT's why Dua Lipa decided to go for a stroll around the Rockabilly section :)

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Mad props, Andy, for this necessary list! From one who spent about 5 years as a retail record store employee and ass't manager (Cactus/Houston and Music Plus/L.A. suburbs of Glendale and Pasadena in the store heyday of late '70s/early '80s) and one who's rented his share of tables at record shows, I applaud you for "laying down the law" for the vinyl purveyors (thankfully, there are some still around)!

This also seems like a good place to share a record store story or two, with your kind indulgence! I remember the day (around 1977 or '78) when the memo arrived telling us to remove and return any 8-track tapes we may still have lying around. Granted, there weren't many, but there WAS an official day, at some point, when they ceased to, if not exist, then at least to stop being actively sold.

I actually recall at least one person walking in, and saying, "Do you all sell records?" when we were literally surrounded! Our favorites used to be the people who'd walk in, and say, "Yeah, I just heard a song on the radio....I don't know how it goes, I don't know the title, and I don't know who sings it......what is it?"

After just a couple of these, the more astute of us knew which songs were hot'n'breaking, and usually THESE were the ones that people would come in asking about. Of course, after about a week, these would also be the songs that were screaming up the charts, and only then did people come streaming in knowing exactly what and who they were looking for! The "good ole days"? Yep. Some fun stuff being "right in the middle" and doing our part in the hit-song-selling.

Stay groove-y, Andy!💿🎧

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Thank you so much, Brad, for sharing these memories with us! What fascinates me is just imagining how tough it must have been to help those customers who “can’t help themselves” (puns and all) in an era with no internet, no Shazam, no Google, no nothing! Just your brains, knowledge, intuition and (needless to say) tons of patience! 😅

I do miss the days when record stores were literally everywhere and it’s such a joy to see them regaining popularity progressively in recent years. I do sometimes silently complain when they’re too full at the precise moment I decide to walk in, but deep down, I know that’s a blessing. So deep breath and welcome everyone to “the record store”, where the store staff will be more than happy to not only help you, but who will already know what you want even before you know it! 😆

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SO right about how we floundered around "back in the day" with nothing but our intuition and musical acumen!! But, with that said, most of us (I know this is how I certainly behaved!) were eager to decipher the seemingly un-decipherable!!

"Oh wait, no....I think I know what you're talking about! Did it go like this? Did he say, 'Just get on the bus, Gus?'" I mean, c'mon, that stuff was priceless, and (again, with nothing high-tech to compare it to, yet), we LOVED solving those aural puzzles, and felt so exultant if we were actually able to solve them!!!

However much we lean on all our available options for discernment these days, young whippersnapper.....Listen, I'm sorry you missed that era!!👌😉

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I used to love when people would walk in and try and sing a few bars of a song.

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It never gets old!

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I love number 7. I guess that goes for bookstores too but it's interesting because I bet there are some people who are so excited to see you looking at a particular record they want to strike up a conversation about it.

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Thank you! Yes, a lot of these could apply to bookstores equally well, as book lovers and record lovers tend to have quite a lot in common. But the music element tends to bring out the intensity of some folk a tiny bit more sometimes :)

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