Sage advice! I'm terrible with impluse control, but one thing that helps is waiting (at least) 24 hours between deciding I /need/ a record, and actually buying it. Many times, I'll find that I'm not as excited after waiting a full day.

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I've more or less stopped buying vinyl other than select reissues because I have everything I want at this point. I still have a short list of things I'd like on vinyl and haven't found and don't want to pay discogs price for. And for new issues, I buy everything released by the Fabs, of course, along with things like the upcoming Band on the Run Underdubbed, in part because I want to signal with my dollars that there's a demand so they'll keep releasing stuff, and the best way to do that is to buy the releases when they come out.

I only own and buy albums that I truly want to listen to from start to finish, both sides, without weak tracks that I wish I could skip, those magic albums that deserve to be listened to with full attention. Most music, eg things like frothy 80s pop and occasionally 90s country, etc., that's for streaming. And if it was recorded digital, it stays that way. (I'm now thinking of Elaine's "spongeworthy" test on Seinfeld. Most music isn't "vinyl" so it doesn't tempt me. )

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Jan 7Liked by Andres

It’s in your list, but I’d like to underline your point about only buying records you like (or, at least, think you’re going to like).

I’m reading a book about second-hand record shops. One owner is quoted as saying he’s fallen out of love with records since he started trading because they’ve just become cardboard and plastic items. Collect for love, profit is accidental.

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Jan 7Liked by Andres

Good one as always! I’m starting to finally manage (sometimes 😅😭) my impulsiveness when seeing a vinyl I really want in a store and not getting it right there in the spot - as you may usually be able to get the same one at a much better price etc (for example, last time it was around 20% cheaper) elsewhere. Not an easy one - but definitely worth the try. I try to live by Confessions of a shopaholic “Do I need it? DO-I-NEED-IT?!!!” 😂

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Liked by Andres

I've been tracking price drops and new releases for a long time now (x.com/vinylonsale), and I'll say that almost everything gets reissued and/or drops in price at some point. just something I try to remember as I contemplate an expensive out-of-print vinyl or a pre-order.

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Interesting... I hadn't thought about expanding my music research into collection and resale. Seems like it could be fun to both collect and sell a bunch of experimental records. Do you have any posts about the basics of resale?

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Oh totally. Amazing how we can fall in and out of listen with an album

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thrilled to say that I subconsciously follow all these habits yet somehow I still have overflow in my collection so I’ve also adopted a model of taking vinyl out of my collection if I purchase a big haul. If I haven’t listened to an album in years I consider whether I still need it in my collection or why I purchased it in the first place. I’m really trying to go for full albums now that I want to listen to both sides as opposed to just buying something because of one single that I could stream

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Jan 7Liked by Andres

Great article with very helpful tips!

There's a line from a Deep Purple song that often helps me curtail my vinyl purchases;

'It's not the kill / it's the thrill of the chase.'

While it may be tempting to grab it when you see it, it's important to ask yourself, 'How often am I actually going to listen to it after I get it?' 'Is it going to be in regular rotation on my turntable or is this merely an impulse buy that'll be lost in my collection a week from now?'

I think they're important things to consider in that moment - especially if you're looking at a title with a particularly hefty price tag.

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